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The Smith Family Clinic for Genomic Medicine is leading the way in transforming the practice of medicine through utilization of the human genome. The genome contains answers to help physicians identify undiagnosed or misdiagnosed diseases, to find new therapies for previously untreatable diseases and to help families make informed health decisions.

The Smith Family Clinic for Genomic Medicine is a nonprofit LLC affiliated with the nonprofit research-based HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. The HudsonAlpha Foundation, a nonprofit 501c(3) charitable organization, supports both the Clinic and the Institute.

Please consider supporting the clinic’s mission to advance discovery and bring life-changing answers to patients through a gift to clinical genomic research through the HudsonAlpha Foundation.

Your donation will empower personal health by supporting research for the next generation of genomic breakthroughs. Any funds raised will be used in our ongoing efforts to support genomic medicine at the clinic and research at HudsonAlpha.

You can also support our mission to revolutionize medicine with a naming opportunity for the clinic. To learn more about this, contact the HudsonAlpha Foundation team at: